Monday, September 30, 2019

Assess the Extent to Which the Wilson Government Achieved

Assess the extent to which the Wilson Government achieved its objectives by 1970 To assess the Wilson Government which ran from the years 1964 to 1970 you have to look at what the Labour government promised to achieve if they won the election in 1964. You have to look at what the changes the Wilson government brought forward in their time in office and how the personalities of its politician’s effects decisions made. The election campaign in 1964 was a close run contest even though there was a low public approval of the current Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home.The labour party only won a majority of 3 seats. The reason for the decline in support for the Conservative party was because of events and scandals such as the Profumo affair in 1963. Looking at Labour in the run up to the General Election, they promoted themselves with a more modern youthful image that was more in tune with the times rather than the aristocratic feel of Home’s Conservative government, this lead the Labour party to create an increased lead when it came to looking at the opinion polls.Wilson then leader of the opposition went into his 1963 conference speech talking about how Britain was ready to fully exploit the â€Å"white heat of the technological revolution. † The labour party was trying to show itself as being the right force to progress Britain against the ineffective current political establishment. As Peter shore said â€Å"†¦ it was a case of smart Alec against dull Alec†¦ â€Å". The Labour party won the General Election in 1964 because of a skilful election campaign and certain errors in the Conservative party around the time of the election being called.The Labour party during the first years in Government between 1964-66 were successful in achieving its objectives, Labour wanted the tackle the problems in the Economy and the changing of Britain into a post industrial society. The Labour party therefore projected the image of following a  "third way† in which the economy would be managed with scientific planning. This lead to Wilson creating the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) with George Brown at its head, this department would be separate from the treasury and would allow Britain to plan its way out of the economic difficulties.It was created because the treasury was seen with being strongly conservative and the high ranks of the Labour Party considered this as key to Britain’s economic failure. The Idea seemed a successful resolution as France was working on a more planned economy also and had much higher GDP growth rate. However the reality showed that the government failed in its objectives. Ironically the problem of this â€Å"Super Department† was that it wasn’t planned prior to its introduction. As George Brown stated â€Å"I think it is a pity that we didn’t produce a ‘Blueprint’ setting out precisely what we wanted to achieve†.The treasury also went out of its own way to make the work of the new department fail, reports suggested that Brown’s phone was bugged to allow the Treasury to keep track of the dealings he made and the dealings of the office. Even though these difficulties Brown still produced the ‘National Plan’ which aimed at the economic targets set out in the General Election of 1964. It was an achievement to create this plan which aimed at stimulating industrial production and exports by encouraging cooperation between the government, employers and trade unions.It was a success that the plan was drafted however it was a failed attempt. The grand expansion targets set out in the plan were not met because at the time it was published the economy was in too bad of a way for cooperation alone to work. An emergency budget was released in July 1966, which aimed at cutting public spending and increasing taxes. This was seen as a turning point in the Wilson government in which the public had a growing d istrust about the government’s capability to fix the economy.In 1966 Wilson called a General Election in the aim of increasing his parliamentary majority, The Election was called for March 1966 and The Labour Party was victorious and increased their majority from 3 to 96. The Wilson Government had many difficulties in the period from 1966-70 with the difficulty with the trade unions due to economic problems leading to tension. Wilson believed that increasing inflation and Britain’s balance of payments deficit presents major treats to economic progress, wages and salary increases much be kept more in check.A prices and incomes board was established to regulate pay settlements. The trade unions hoped that the Wilson government would bring those benefits and they resented being lectures and told to be reasonable. This failure with the trade unions set back government objectives and the economy took heavy blows. The government was hit with a series of industrial strikes an d disputes which included the National seamen’s strike in 1966 and the Dockers’ strike of 1967. The Wilson government was running out of ideas on how to control the economy and in November 1967 devaluation of the Pound was introduced.This was because of the deficit being so large that Wilson had asked for another loan from the IMF, blaming the seamen’s strike. The loam was only seen as a stop gap. The Devaluation involved reducing the exchange rate of sterling from $2. 80 to $2. 40 for every ? 1. The aim was to make British goods easier to sell abroad. The delayed implication of the measures meant that the mere financial adjustment turned into a political and economic failure for Wilson and the Labour party. Showing that the government could not run the economy and had failed to deliver objectives set out in 1964 and 1966.Callaghan stood down as Chancellor in 1967 swapping places with Home sectary Roy Jenkins. The trade unions were angered that Wilson had tried to blame those for the government’s financial difficulties and many academics had concluded that Wilson overestimated the Balance of Payments deficit, leading to a failure in the majority of its economic objectives. However aside from the Political and Economic side the Wilson government did achieve some of its objectives in the social changes it set forth to create. The Wilson government can’t be criticised from its social reform.The Race Relations Acts, 1965 and 1968 prohibited racial discrimination in public places and in areas such as employment and housing and make Incitement to racial hatred an offence. More important social reforms such as the Abortions act of 1967 which permitted the legal termination of pregnancy and the abolition of the death penalty in 1969 which made permanent a measure that was passed in 1965 that had suspended the operation of the death penalty. These social changes and reforms may be said to mark an important stage in the modernising of Britains social attitudes. Many were the work of Roy Jenkins.He personified the tolerant, sophisticated attitudes that he wished to see become predominant in Britain. These were successful for the labour party and Wilson government. Showing objectives were achieved which cannot be said as much in industry and the economy. By the time of the general election in 1970 there was the feeling that the Labour government had failed to live up to expectations. The sense of disappointment was felt harsh by the young. Arguments stated that Wilson entered office claiming to be the head of a modernising and reforming government but really all that was changed was the style and not the content.In conclusion the Wilson government had some success in the social reforms it implicated but didn’t plan enough to address the economy and industry, it lost the support of the trade unions and was seen to be a failure from the public. In 1970 even through labour party optimism Edward heath walked int o 10 downing street as the Conservative prime minister with a 30 seat majority. This showed the ultimate fail of a clever but seemingly unorganised Labour party and government which didn’t successfully achieve enough of its objectives and therefore lost the 1970 election.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Essay

Even though Romans is not a complete worldview r a Christian worldview it certainly directs us in the right way of how we should view the world. What does Romans inform us regarding Creation When we look at Romans chapter 8: 19-25, believe here Paul is talking about Adam and Jesus. Everybody thinks that God knows everything going to happen, and the truth is I believe he knows. The one thing I really believe that God knows everything, but he does give us free choice and maybe just one time he's hoping he doesn't know that were going to, and maybe instead of choosing the wrong we would choose Him.The curse is Adam when he first mined not just for his self but also for every birth from then on. Jesus then comes as the sacrificial sheep. One man to curse all of mankind and one man to save all Of mankind. Natural Creation There is no doubt about finding God's creation in Romans. In chapter 1:20-21 proves of his existence and power, verse 20 states that since the creation of the world God' s invisible quality -his eternal power and divine nature. God has no doubt that this is his creation and God is always made himself available to us. God created verse man and woman to have a natural relationship, which man and woman.Man started to make idols out of gold, of birds and animals and reptiles. Man's heart was not in the right place for the creator it was for sinful lust, since their heart was not right with God and instead had all this unnatural lusts God let it happen. Men started having sex with men and even their women was having sex with other women. Their acts were unnatural from one God one God wanted of the most one man one woman until the end of time. Sins in Roman Sin is mention several times in Romans, Paul tells us that we all have sin and we all fall short of the glory of God.Paul also explained to us that through the away no one will be saved, but the law lets us recognize what sin is. 6:23 tells us that that the punishment for sin is death. Whereas if we el ect to serve Jesus, we are promised eternal life. This is a condition that cannot be fixed by any man, that only Jesus dying on the cross for us was the only way we as mortal humans and sinful by nature could be saved. Salvation In Romans Paul talked to us about salvation and the only way that we could ever be saved with salvation was through Jesus dying on the cross for us.We know that Jesus was a descendent of David, and the one thing that he as supposed to do was to be the sacrificial sheep for our sins. So without Jesus we would never found salvation because we were not covered under the first covenant, but under the new covenant we were accepted because Jesus gave his life for us. So this was the nature and mission of Jesus Christ and justification by faith is believing and Jesus the son of God. Because of our faith and our believe Christ the moment that we accepted Jesus we were given the Holy Spirit which would sanctify us and give us empowerment to do the things that Jesus d id himself.Eschatology In Romans 5:20 we see were Paul is saying that because of the law being added was so that basically trespasses might increase. You would think of Paul is against on is that we have no hope, but he is also that were sin increases grace will increase also. God has new mercies for us every day in new Hope always be there no matter what we've done we can go and repented God because Jesus made a way for us to live that one day we may have eternal life. When we look at Romans 8:18-25 Paul is telling us that we should not compare are suffering to the glory that will be ours when the time moms.The glory Will be greater than any suffering we have ever been subject to. Romans 13:11-14 Paul is telling us that our Christian worldview and the obedience that we have Jesus through our faith one day we will be victorious against Satan, death and sin Ethics In Romans 8:8-21 we will find that Paul bases the ethics on love. In verse eight Paul is telling us that no matter what w e do we need to do it cheerfully, delicately and we need to show mercy follows is all up in nine telling us that love must be since. That anything evil we should hate, we should cling to what is good.And the next versus is instructed how we should, and we should never commit adultery we should always respect with love. Chapter 8 sums up the things that we should do we love and not be afraid to do them. Theology There are several verses in here were Paul talks about God even though his letter is non-about God its more about justification. When we look at 1:17 here Paul is trying to tell us that there is a righteousness that is revealed from God. Paul states it is from first to last the righteousness will live by faith.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What is academic misconduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What is academic misconduct - Essay Example Students cannot be excused from such clear instincts of cheating, while it is possible that the accusation of academic misconduct may sometimes hurt those students who were not aware in the first place that they committed a mistake. To avoid this, proper measures should be taken to let students know clearly what plagiarism means, and how a lack of understanding about it may lead to academic misconduct. Q: How have you figured out what cheating is here at university? Who has talked to you about cheating to help you understand what is considered cheating? Who have you talked with here at university to help you determine what is considered cheating? What are some things that are considered cheating? A: Before I took a test in the University, I heard that my friend took the same class at summer and he has the midterm paper for that class. So I asked the midterm paper of summer and received. When I took the midterm exam, I found the midterm exam was exactly same from the summer class so I wrote what I had. At that time, I never thought this was cheating because the other class before I took this class, some professor posted the last semester exams and solutions and I had used those things for my exams. But a student conduct told me that was a kind of cheating. First time, I could not agree with him. But I found that I had been mistaken about what cheating was because what I wrote in the last exam was not from my idea and thinking. Even if I did not copy from others in a class, if I used other’s idea or thinking from outside source, that could be cheating. The University expects my answers to be original, based on my exposure to the subject in my classroom and through my ow n reading and observations. If I used ideas and expressions of others without acknowledging it, I was committing plagiarism. Moreover, one has to be very honest in exams. This is what I learned form this incident. A: The

Curriculum Development Related to Information Security Policies and Case Study

Curriculum Development Related to Information Security Policies and Procedures - Case Study Example For providing improved functionality for the organization, policies and procedures must be defined. They play a vital role for an organization’s smooth functioning. In order to implement policies and procedures, group discussions are required for constructing and implementing them in a real world scenario. The first requirement is to differentiate both of them. A security policy comprises in the form of a document or rules that specify the statement ‘What must be done’ in order to assure security measures in the system or the network. Whereas, procedures are associated with the rules and practices that are implemented in order to impose the rule. For instance, in a network security scenario, where there is a requirement for preventing the wireless network, anonymous access must be blocked. Likewise, the security policy document will define ‘What needs to be done’ to block anonymous access for a wireless network. Whereas, the procedures will define the practices and rules that needs to be followed in order to block the anonymous access ("Curriculum development related to information security policies and procedures ").After differentiating both the security policies and procedures, these two are associated with development and administration in an organization. The term security in terms of development and administration is more like a management issue rather than a technical issue in an organization. The justification is to utilize and classify employees of an organization efficiently. Moreover, from the management perspective, discussions take place for describing various vulnerabilities and threats along with the creation of policies and procedures that may contribute for the achievement of organization goals. After the discussions and alignment of policies and procedures to contribute for organization’s success, the development process is initiated at a high level, and afterwards implemented at lower levels within an o rganization. The conclusion reflects the development of policies and procedures, requirement of an approval from concerned personnel and then implementing them smoothly for the employees ("Curriculum development related to information security policies and procedures "). On the other hand, initiation of these security policies is easy and not expensive, but the implementation is the most difficult aspect. If the development and administration do not comply effectively, or fails to establish awareness between employees related to the policies and procedures, the disadvantages may affect inadequately for the organization. For instance, an attack from a social engineering website such as ‘Facebook’, ‘twitter’, or ‘MySpace’ may extract sensitive information from senior or trusted employees of an organization. If the policies and procedures were understood or implemented properly, employees will be well aware of not providing any credentials or they will verify authorization before providing information on the sites. Moreover, privacy and trust is a debatable topic that is also referred as identity theft. A good definition of identity theft is available in network dictionary that states as, â€Å"Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver’s license numbers, in order to impersonate someone else. The information can be used to obtain credit, merchandise, and services in the name of the victim, or to provide the thief with false credentials†. Many organizations have suffered security breaches initiated from a social networking site. There is a requirement for creating awareness between employees by developing policies and procedures related to the attacks associated with social engineering sites along with coping up these attacks. There is a requirement of identifying critical information systems within the organization. All the users must be

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Multinational Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Multinational Finance - Essay Example The cost of capital is the expected return that is required on investments to compensate you for the required risk. However, the cost of capital of a company is affected by various factors. All these factors are discussed in detailed in the forthcoming paragraphs. Capital Structure decisions are a significant managerial decision which influences the risk and return of the investors. Basically, the main goal of any company would be none other than maximization of present shareholder value. In order to achieve this goal, the capital structure decisions that are taken by a company should result in positive net present value which means that the "present value of the expected cash inflow less the present value of the required capital expenditures (, 2002)." The company will have to plan its capital structure at the time of promotion itself and also subsequently whenever it has to raise additional funds for various new projects (Blackwell publishing, 2003). Wherever the company needs to raise finance, it involves a capital structure decision because it has to decide the amount o finance to be raised as well as the source from which it is to be raised. The advent of globalization has also got its influence on the cost of equity capital of a company. Let us suppose that a firm is planning to raise equity in order to finance a particular investment. ... In order to succeed in this process, the managers initially need to convince the shareholders that the investment is worthwhile and it would yield cash flows that are expected but in reality, managers face a plethora of difficulties in convincing the shareholders. This is because due to the advent of globalization, the knowledge levels of managers of modern organizations have grown drastically and they have the information about the investments of the firm which the shareholders lack (Stulz, 1999). There are very many global risk factors which affect the cost of capital of a company. In order to investigate the effect of such factors over the cost of capital, alternative asset pricing models like international Capital asset pricing model etc, need to be assessed (Koedijk, et al., 2004)(Nagel, 2007). Exchange rates also have an impact on the cost of capital. Studies reveal that exchange rate flucutation have an impact on the relative wealth position of different countries of the world and hence they inturn effect the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Munisamy Gopinath, 1998). The wealth position of international investors/firms is increased in contrast with that of domestic investors when the dollar depreciates. This is becasue they hold their investments in non-dollar denominated currencies. However, this aspect reduces the relative cost of capital of international firms (Munisamy Gopinath, 1998). Net present value is the most important criteria on which most of the firms rely when planning to invest or undertake a new project. Some firms alternatively rely upon rules like the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback period and Profitability index

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HR - Essay Example Research on the execution of performance related pay by the OECD, has discovered that mere higher pay does not motivate the majority of staff. Employees are motivated by holism job designing with High Performance Work Practices (HPWP), work which is competent with skill, novel ways of coordinating work, satisfying performance and better employee involvement in the decisions of the organisation. HPWP has the prospective for producing the personality of the employee and output of the organisation. These practices are established on the comprehension that employees are the key of an organisation and so they expect to be treated equitably. Studies prove that the HR systems of high performing companies have several things in common. "High Performance Work Systems" (HPWS) create more job appliers, monitor candidates more efficiently, offer more and improved training, connect pay more openly to performance and provide a more dependable work environment. The vital challenge confronting human resources management is to make available a set of services that is logic in terms of the company's premeditated plan. A tactical plan is the company's sketch of how to match its inner strengths and weakness with outer opportunities and threats so as to uphold a competitive gain. An organisation which has greater involvement and responsibility on the part of employees is said to have implemented a set of management practices of High Performance Work System (HPWS). Bohlander et al (2004, p. 690) defines HPWS as "a specific combination of HR practices, work structures, and processes that maximizes employee knowledge, skill, commitment and flexibility". Barnes (2001, p. 2) states that the notion and thoughts for high performance work systems has conceived its roots from the late twentieth century. It was during this time that the manufacturing industry in America had recognised that global competition had got in and they wanted to reorganize the 'tried and true' manufacturing procedures. Elements of High Performance Working: Figure I showing Elements of a High Performance Work System (Ren Li Zi Yuan Guan Li Ji Chu, 2004) The first element of HPWS is the notion of "increased opportunity to participate in decisions" (Barnes, p. 9) for employees. The capability for an employee to take part in the decision making process is believed to be one of the most important components of an HPWS as it permits the employee to make decisions that affect their instant environment and this in turn affects the whole organization. This contribution results in employees feeling more authorised and in turn leads to a more dedicated workforce, at least in theory. The second element is training. Training helps employees to acquire the required skills to carry out their jobs in a more efficient manner and the chance to presume better responsibility inside an organisation. The third element is employee incentives. Organisations will have to find a way to connect pay with performance. According to Bohlander & Snell (2004, p. 698), if an employee has to focus "on outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and the organization as a whole" then incentive should play an important role. Technology is yet another element which in addition to the 3 elements of involvement, training and incentives, makes up yet another important constituent of modern day HPWS. According to Bohlander &, Snell, (2004, p. 699) "technology does not have to be leading edge technology solutions, but it does

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Research Paper - 4

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) - Research Paper Example 52).). Delaney clause on the other hand states that carcinogenic in food is unacceptable. Through this it protects public health and especially children who are vulnerable. However, every alternative to Delaney incorporates some risk assessment which defines certain levels of acceptable risks. Delaney clause is subject to some limitations in prioritizing the level of risk management for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. One of the problems is that it does not take into account the exact risk that a carcinogenic substance can pose once consumed (Dickey, p. 42). This is because the analytical chemistry has been improved and can detect even smaller quantities of chemicals as chemicals have become widely used nowadays. Regulatory agencies are thus faced with difficulties in trying to administer Delaney’s Clause because it applies to quantities used in large amounts and can easily be detected. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confronted this problem by using quantitative risk assessment and set a standard known as â€Å"de minis†, which held that risk was negligible if a carcinogenic food additive was concentrated at less than 1part in 1,000,000 (Dickey, p. 45). The issue regarding pesticides use for which Delaney’s Clause prohibited also had limitations. This is found in section 409 and it poses difficulties to those agencies which has the mandate to regulate pesticides (Shimada and Fujii-Kuriyama, p. 71). Agencies like Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) conflicts with Delaney’s Clause because they license the sale of pesticides and most probably if they are of more benefit to the country than the risk they pose. This is contrary to Delaney’s Clause which does not take into account the risk-benefit analysis but have a clear conclusion that if the pesticide in a food additive is evident to cause cancer inhuman being or in animals then it should

Monday, September 23, 2019

Arab Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arab Culture - Essay Example Arabic culture traces its roots from the Arabian Peninsula next to the Sabaens where they ended up migrating the near east that consists of the ancient cities of Mesopotamia and Lavant. In order to understand better the Arabic culture, it is important to look at several key factors that define the great culture. Language factors, religious viewpoint and practices, fashion and architecture are some vital areas that shape the great Arabic culture. My essay analyses the Arab culture in depth looking at the very important factors that drives its existence. Arabic language having a close relation to Aramaic and Hebrew is evidently the chief language in the Semitic category of Afro-Asiatic language (Young). All the Arabian nations including some Islamic communities have adopted the Arabic language as their own making it the vernacular language and the most holy in their life. Qur’an, the Islamic holy book, written in Arabic shows this great culture’s contribution to the Islamic religion where they find it difficult to translate it into any other language and fail to lose the teachings of the Holy book. Classical Arabic is the name given to the language that is used in The Holy Qur’an, having some distinction from the modern day Arabic language. The book contains chapters and verses written in various parables, verses and narratives that are an inspiration by Allah. This holy book is the major source of inspiration and teachings among the Islam religion, guiding their morals and behavior in the larger society. Most Arabs are Muslims embracing the Islamic religion. Islam being the second most popular world religion Christianity coming first is a monotheist type of religion believing in the existence of one God whom they refer to as Allah (Mikenola). The scriptures that govern the Islamic religion are all included in the holy Qur’an that was revealed to the Muslim faith through their prophet Muhammad.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Everyday Life in the Industrial Revolution Essay Example for Free

Everyday Life in the Industrial Revolution Essay Industrialisation created an enormous impact on people’s everyday lives. Many machines were invented to produce goods much more quickly and efficiently. This lowers the price for expensive goods such as textiles and furniture and made it more affordable for everyone due to mass production. Steam trains were also invented to move perishable goods and people in quickly in long distances to markets and bring fresh, organic foods to cities which are growing in population. Trains were an affordable form of transport for citizens and people. The invention of steam ships allowed a large number of people to North America and Australia from Europe. These were the fundamental changes that occurred during the industrial revolution. The first artificial was produced using gas. These lights made cities safer, it allowed people begin to go out at night to social events or meetings, shops and factories open for longer. Working hours in in factories were also extended thanks to the invention of artificial lighting. Electricity led to the development of household appliances such as refrigerators and irons that help with house chores. It also led to many innovations such as telegraph which made communication much easier, following the telegraph were the telephone and radio. Technologies has made a dramatic change to people’s ordinary lives, it has affected the society in a positive and negative way. The industrialised innovations helped with factory work and produce products more efficiently; however these machineries have highly polluted the environment. It was very surprising how far society have come, the development of technologies made the process of things much easier. Thanks to these inventions made during the industrial revolution and is still being improved, changed the lives of younger generations. Children in the modern society now have phones, iPad, iPod etc.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Columbus City Schools Policies Essay Example for Free

Columbus City Schools Policies Essay The reason I don’t like the rule about fire arm look-alikes is because, if you have a toy gun that your younger sibling has asked you to hold for them in your bag and you forget about it is an instant 5-10 day suspension. I understand why you would suspend someone for that reason; it is because you have to insure the person’s safety and the rest of the schools. But if someone leaves the toy or look-alike in your bag and you forget about its unfair we have to get suspended for that amount of time I get a day or two but 5-10 it’s not fair that is the only reason I have to have a problem with that policy. Insubordination is another one. When a teacher asks you to do something unfair for instance give up your phone when it has fallen out your pocket and they say you have been texting while doing an assignment or cheating is also unfair. Not everyone cheats on their work if our phone happens to slip out why get punished it was an accident not intentional. But I get why you do it, it’s only to insure we aren’t cheating or texting during class. The last one is possession, sale or distribution of drugs other than tobacco or alcohol. If someone has a massive headache and can’t concentrate in class and the student asks you for an Aspirin or Tylenol and you give it to them why put it as possession, sale or distribution of drugs other than tobacco or alcohol. That in my mind is unfair you’re just helping someone out with a legitimate problem that they are having. We are keeping them out of the nurse’s office and having them in class longer so what is the problem with that? The reasons for this and I know why are because of Marijuana, Cocaine and crack or other narcotics you should put narcotics as its own punishment instead of Aspirin or another type pain reliever. If you would only make the slightest change I would greatly appreciate it. also the drug problems we have and leaving the school without permission. Those are the only few changes I would make about the CCS policy.

Friday, September 20, 2019

ABCDE Approach for Critically Ill Patients

ABCDE Approach for Critically Ill Patients The topic I have chosen for my vignette is a patient with chest pain. The Resuscitation Council (UK 2006) recommends that clinical staff should follow the ABCDE approach when assessing and treating critically ill patients. This will help to identify the deterioration of critically ill patients.With this in mind, it is important that patients presenting with cardiovascular conditions are promptly assessed and treated. Here I am following an ABCDE assessment on a patient with chest pain. The 58-year-old (anonymous) male patient admitted with chest pain, 8hours after the onset of the symptoms. Initially patient was thinking it is heartburn and been taken gaviscon and paracetamol. As I went to see the patient, I introduced myself and checked identity by asking the name.Patient is able to communicate.This incates that the airway is patent. Patient is looking pale and in short of breath. Complaining of heaviness and crushing pain around the chest radiating to left arm. Sat patient upright position and checked breathing. Respiratory rate is 20bpm. (9-14bpm is normal resp rate-bts guidelines). The pattern of the breathing is normal, the movement of the chest wall is equal, and symmetrical.SaO2 checked is, 95% on room air. (Above 94%is normal or 88%-92% for those with resp problem (copd) BTS 2008).I administered 35% oxygen via venturi mask. Supplemental oxygen therapy is important to maintain adequate oxygen levels in the tissues and organs when patients experiencing pain and shortness of breath. (Critical care assessment booklet) Patients peripheries are cold and clammy.this indicates poorly perfused tissues. Pressed on patients finger for 5 seconds to check the capillary refill time.(in health,initial blanching should disappear within 2seconds of releasing pressure(Athern and Philpot 2002).CRT is 4 seconds. delayed CRT indicates poor perfusion(Lima and Bakker 2005). checked radial pulse is tachycardic 114bpm.rate is regular. A manual pulse should always checked, as machines that measure heart rate tend to give an averaged value and therefore do not pickup irregularities or arterial insufficiency (Torrance and Elley, 1997).HR is above systolic blood pressure indicating that patient having cardiac problem. Blood pressure is 101/54 mmhg, Temp 36 deg. Patient was very restless due to pain. Obtained ECG and showing small elevation in the ST segment in standard leads.ST elevation is the first sign of infarction. This happens when myocardium injured. ECG is showing Acute Myocardial infarction. Pain relief is the first priority, as uncontrolled pain increases sympathetic stimulation, which leads to increased myocardial oxygen consumption. This can further aggravate the ischemia (T Moore P Woodrow). Informed doctor about patients condition. Inserted cannula and taken bloods for troponin t and routine investigation fbc, ues, coagulation profile. Doctor arrived and examined the patient, advised to give GTN spray and Diamorphine injection (GTN generates nitric oxide that is Vasoprotective.Nitrovasodilators act primarily to dilate veins and therefore has a major effect on reducing the filling pressures of the heart. This helps to reduce myocardial contraction, wall stress, oxygen demands .It is short acting, and its effects last up to 30 minutes. The sublingual route is preferred as this avoids metabolism by the liver which reduces the drug concentration (H Chummun,KGopaul,A. Lutchman 2009) Diamorphine injection 5mg intravenously given .This is both potent analgesic and has pos itive hemodynamic effects particularly,vasodialatation which reduces the myocardial oxygen demand. Metochlorpromide 10mg intravenously (Antiemetic) given along with opiates to minimize nausea, a side effect of opiates therapy. Aspirin and Clopidogrel 300mg given .These are antiplatelet drugs ,decrease the platelet aggregation and inhibit thrombus formation in the arterial circulation ,because in faster-flowing vessels,throbi are composed mainly of platelets with little fibrin. (BNF 2010) Patient is not thrombolysed with streptokinase injection, because the late presentation and later administration is less effective outcome. Currently most protocols advocate a time window of 6hrs from the onset of pain during which it is appropriate to give thrombolytics.After this time it is usually considered that the risk of the drug outweigh the limited benefit gained(MrBassets and Mr Makins). Reassessed vital signs and pain. The pain is easing off slightly, scoring 2.respiratory rate 16bpm , HR 98bpm BP 112/68,CRT 2. Patients condition is improving. Pain assessment is a priority because continued pain is a symptom of ongoing MI, which places additional risk on myocardial tissue (Urden et al, 2002). Repeat Diamorphine injection given as advised by doctor. Closely observed the patient, monitored breathing and oxygen saturation. Oxygen therapy continued, because it is important to assist the myocardial tissue to continue its pumping activity and to repair the damaged tissue around the site of the infarct (Sole et al, 2001).No shortness of breath at present. Repeat ECG taken in 15 minutes interval for assessment of dysrhythmias and it is noninvasive, well tolerated by patients and provides continuous information about the heart (Docherty and Douglas, 2003). Patients blood sugar checked and it is 6.7mmol.patient has no diabetic history. Patient is very anxious and worried. Anxiety can play a role in acute MI. It may affect the development of further heart disease, further morbidity or prognosis, health care use and rehabilitation. (Crow et al,1996, Januzzi et al 2000).I reassured patient. Anxiety management is assigned a high priority in the early management of Acute MI. Doctor discussed with family about present condition and treatment. Family member who are anxious or upset about the patients condition may heighten patient anxiety, research suggest that family members should provide with information to meet their needs to reduce family anxiety (Quinn et al 1996).Doctor explained to the family about patients diagnosis and treatment. Heart rate monitored continuously by attaching telemetry. This helps to identify cardiac arrhythmias. Vitals signs and pain score recorded regularly. Recognizing the signs of clinical deterioration and taking appropriate timely action can be a vital part of providing optimal patient care. The clinical signs of critical illness usually reflect compromised respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological function.The underlying aim of the initial interventions should be seen as a holding measure to keep the patient alive,and produces some clinical improvement ,in order that definitive treatment may be initiated(Nolan et al,2005).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

when plague strikes :: essays research papers

Overview of: ‘When Plague Strikes’ by James Giblin This book is separated into three main parts the Black Death, smallpox, and aids. This book gives facts of occurring diseases and the diseases from the past. This books content mainly took place in Europe and Asia when it gave facts dates and examples. It explains the nature and symptoms of diseases from long ago. The bubonic Plague mainly affects rodents, but fleas can transmit the disease to people. Once people are infected, they infect others very rapidly the disease struck and killed people with terrible speed. They called it "The Black Death" because of the black spots it produced on the skin. A terrible killer was loose across Europe, and medieval medicine had nothing to go against it. In five years twenty five million people were dead because of the Black Death. So many people had died that there were serious labor shortages all over Europe. The Black Death came in three forms, the bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemia. Each different form of plague killed people in a nasty way. All forms were caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. The symptoms were enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes (around arm pits, neck and groin). The term 'bubonic' refers to the characteristic bubo or enlarged lymphatic gland. â€Å"Victims were subject to headaches, nausea, aching joints, fever of 10 1-105 degrees, vomiting, and a general feeling of illness. Symptoms took from 1-7 days to appear. Bubonic plague is just the medical term for the Black Death† (Giblin 11). Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease. There is no specific treatment for smallpox disease, and the only prevention is vaccination. The name smallpox is derived from the Latin word for â€Å"spotted† and refers to the raised bumps that appear on the face and body of an infected person. Smallpox outbreaks have occurred from time to time for thousands of years, but the disease is now eradicated after a successful worldwide vaccination program. The last case of smallpox in the United States was in 1949. The last naturally occurring case in the world was in Somalia in 1977. Generally, direct and fairly prolonged face-to-face contact is required to spread smallpox from one person to another. Smallpox also can be spread through direct contact with infected bodily fluids or contaminated objects such as bedding or clothing. â€Å"The first symptoms of smallpox include fever, malaise, head and body aches, and sometimes vomiting.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Media :: essays research papers

As we look at our society and culture as a whole, we see that violence does exist in vast amounts. The problem of violence is compounded by the constant saturation that media coverage often provides. The media creates an almost artificial world for young people who do not have a single family member or extended family member to provide any small measure of love and kindness towards them. Naisbitt suggests that the boys involved in the Columbine shootings were absorbed in an environment full of violence. By means of television, movies, video games and other sources of electronic entertainment these boys became engrossed by aggression and violent behavior (81). While Naisbitt says that it is the violence that drove these boys to commit such a heinous crime, he never proposes that it could have been the lack of family that led these young boys to violence. Often we do not see that people are driven towards violence of the media because of family neglect. Overall, we need to create an environment in which parent and child can easily live and play together, so we can draw their attention away from this enticing entertainment. If we find that it is often the â€Å"latch-key† children whose parents work that more quickly turn to violence, then can we create programs to keep these children otherwise occupied? Violence serves as a diversion and a source of entertainment for children, but if we are able to create an enriching setting for our youth, one which places family on a high level we can often avoid many of the violent acts which do take place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When we live in a world where we can feel loved and supported, we do not take wrong turns as often. It is not necessarily a family that one needs to maintain a violence free existence, but the inclusion of loving and caring people in one’s life. Perhaps more thinking about how to build family outside the traditional definition of the perfect family is necessary in one’s own quest against violence. When I think about my own transition from living in a small town just outside of Boston, a relatively safe large city to the completely new city of New Orleans, I recognize a basic truth about family. As I find myself in an entirely different part of the country engrossed in an entirely different culture, I often feel unsafe and alone in this city, new to me which I call my home .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparison of Islamic Banking and Conventional Banking Essay

The foundation of Islamic bank is based on the Islamic faith and must stay within the limits of Islamic Law or the Shariah in all of its actions and deeds. The original meaning of the Arabic word Shariah is ‘the way to the source of life’ and is now used to refer to legal system in keeping with the code of behaviour called for by the Holly Qur’an (Koran). Amongst the governing principles of an Islamic bank are : * The absence of interest-based (riba) transactions; * The avoidance of economic activities involving oppression (zulm) * The avoidance of economic activities involving speculation (gharar); * The introduction of an Islamic tax, zakat; * The discouragement of the production of goods and services which contradict the Islamic value (haram) On the other hand, conventional banking is essentially based on the debtor-creditor relationship between the depositors and the bank on one hand, and between the borrowers and the bank on the other. Interest is considered to be the price of credit, reflecting the opportunity cost of money. Islamic law considers a loan to be given or taken, free of charge, to meet any contingency. Thus in Islamic Banking, the creditor should not take advantage of the borrower. When money is lent out on the basis of interest, more often that it leads to some kind of injustice. The first Islamic principle underlying for such kind of transactions is â€Å"deal not unjustly, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly† [2:279] which explain why commercial banking in an Islamic framework is not based on the debtor-creditor relationship. The other principle pertaining to financial transactions in Islam is that there should not be any reward without taking a risk. This principle is applicable to both labor and capital. As no payment is allowed for labor, unless it is applied to work, there is no reward for capital unless it is exposed to business risk. Thus, financial intermediation in an Islamic framework has been developed on the basis of the above-mentioned principles. Consequently financial relationships in Islam have been participatory in nature.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Beggining to Puck

In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Puck not only served as the solution to the lovers’ confusion but also as the root of lover’s magical mix-ups. The couples in the beginning struggle to find a way to be with each other so they run off to the woods. Puck and Oberon hear the situation and come up with a plan. The plan was suppose to help them instead it caused more problems. Puck mixes up the couples and causes a huge confusion. Oberon demands for Puck to resolve the mess he created. Puck tends to make a lot of trouble. Everything he does is all fun and games. When he messes up he does everything he can to fix it, because he does not mean to cause trouble. Puck is Oberon’s slave in a way In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Puck not only served as the solution to the lovers’ confusion but also as the root of lover’s magical mix-ups. The couples in the beginning struggle to find a way to be with each other so they run off to the woods. Puck and Oberon hear the situation and come up with a plan. The plan was suppose to help them instead it caused more problems. Puck mixes up the couples and causes a huge confusion. Oberon demands for Puck to resolve the mess he created. Puck tends to make a lot of trouble. Everything he does is all fun and games. When he messes up he does everything he can to fix it, because he does not mean to cause trouble. Puck is Oberon’s slave in a way In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Puck not only served as the solution to the lovers’ confusion but also as the root of lover’s magical mix-ups. The couples in the beginning struggle to find a way to be with each other so they run off to the woods. Puck and Oberon hear the situation and come up with a plan. The plan was suppose to help them instead it caused more problems. Puck mixes up the couples and causes a huge confusion. Oberon demands for Puck to resolve the mess he created. Puck tends to make a lot of trouble. Everything he does is all fun and games. When he messes up he does everything he can to fix it, because he does not mean to cause trouble. Puck is Oberon’s slave in a way.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Felkris Alumni Tracer Essay

Situation Analysis Every year students were graduating in Felkris Academy. As they graduate, they leave their school; others might have no longer updates regarding their school for they are now in abroad for their work. As students, they still want to keep in touch with their alma mater. It is really difficult for the school to search for their graduates for they are scattered to the different parts of the world. That is why we have what we call alumni association. Alumni Association was founded to promote fellowship among graduates, former students, faculty and staff members of Felkris Academy for its development and well being as an educational institution. It is founded to provide support service to the school, and one thing more is that the alumni will be a great source for fund raising of the school for the benefit of the students in the form of scholarship funds. So tracking of the graduates is important. Tracking can provide concrete evidence that will enable the boards and the wider public to evaluate a school’s most important product–its graduates–in important ways. For easy access to the graduates of the school, the researchers are to study a web-based tracking system for Felkris Academy. It is web-based so that it is easy for the graduates and the school to have communication with each other anytime and everywhere in the world. Every graduate can still be updated to what is happening to their school, how far did the developments have undergone after they left the school, the academic status and many more by accessing the system through the web. The reasons for maintaining contact with alumni include networking for current students to obtain internships and professional positions, meeting requirements for accrediting agencies, and determining how well the program prepared the graduates for their professional careers. In order to strengthen graduates’ ability to move theory into practice, graduate programs need to stay current on professional practices. To determine what current practices are and to aid in evaluation and planning, documented information should be obtained from both alumni and professional organizations. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework In this era, where advancement is become the part of the each and every field of life and time become the one of the important element of the success we want to do things or everyday jobs with more fatly as ever. Here role of information system can’t be ignored doing things faster, doing things better, and doing thinks smarter these all traits are possible just because of two words, Information system. Alumni Tracking System is one of the examples of information system. To get contact with the old students and to provide the assistance to this old student for their future progress in all field of life and maintain the record of the passing out students. Alumni Tracking System helps to do what is mention above. According to Quimbita, Grace,1989-09-00 from ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges Los Angeles CA. Student tracking systems enable increasing numbers of community colleges to respond to external demands for accountability with tangible measurements of student progress and institutional outcomes. Several recent trends have prompted interest in monitoring student progress throughout college and into their professional lives. Bers (1989) argues that increasing emphasis on marketing, accountability, communication with students, and internal competition for students all serve as catalysts for the development of tracking systems. Bers identifies six stages in the student flow process that should be monitored by a student tracking system. Awareness–In this stage, the prospective student learns about the college for the first time. Mass mailings to homes or businesses, advertisements in the media, and public information sessions are useful in making potential students aware of the college. Inquiry–Mechanisms for maintaining personalized contact with prospective students should go into effect as soon as the individual makes the first inquiry about the college. The individual’s name, social security number, and program interests should now be on record. Entry–This stage involves formal application, admission, first-time registration and enrollment, and increasingly, assessment tests, orientations, and advisement. Experience–Most tracking efforts currently concentrate on this stage, gathering information on students as they take courses, fulfill prerequisites, pass, fail, or withdraw from courses, take advantage of support services, and work toward their goals. Completion–At this stage, students leave the college with or without achieving their educational goals. Follow-Up–Because community college students commonly stop in and out, alumni can also be considered an important pool of prospective students. Maintaining contact with alumni after they have left the college is important in evaluating educational outcomes in terms of employment or transfer experiences, and attracting former students back to the college. Tracking systems can be developed for practically any stage in the student flow process. Cochise College in Arizona has a tracking system within its admissions office that monitors the awareness, inquiry and entry stages (Barrett, 1989). The Los Angeles Community College District in California and Arapahoe Community College in Colorado each have tracking systems which focus on basic skills assessment and monitor the entry, experience, and completion stages (Voorhees and Hart, 1989). Additionally, tracking designs are possible for underprepared students (Smittle, LaVallee, and Carman, 1989) and other special groups, such as displaced homemakers, single parents, learning disabled, and hearing impaired (Gay and Boukouvalas, 1989). Research Paradigm Input ProcessOutput I. ICT Resources of Felkris Academy a. The researchers intended to develop a web-based system in tracing the graduates. Particularly, this study will be significant for the graduates of Felkris Academy. It helps the graduates to be still connected with their graduate school for long term mutual benefits then to their fellow graduates as well and to remain the part of their school even after the study likewise with the teachers. Moreover, this study will help the graduates to still notify or be updated to the some important events of the school and also can participate in the seminars, academic and extra curriculum activities so that alumni knowledge remains up to date. Statement of the Problem This study aims to answer these questions: 1. What can be done to make alumni participation/involvement easier? 2. How can we keep a current database of the alumni? 3. How to maintain continuous contact with alumni? Definition of Terms Beta Testing – the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. Hardware – is a general term for the physical artifacts of a technology. It may also mean the physical components of a computer system, in the form of computer hardware. Software – refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of a computer for some purpose. System Implementation – The installation of a computer system or an information system. The use of software on a particular computer system. Tracking System – is generally a system capable of rendering virtual space to a human observer while tracking the observer’s body coordinates. Web-based – refers to those applications or services that are resident on a server that is accessible using a Web browser and is therefore accessible from anywhere in the world via the Web.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fdi Impact to China Economy Essay

The successful in attracting FDI is due to the provision on both the internal and external specific country advantages. It secures cheap labor cost and the availability of raw materials as well as securing the opportunity on exploring the domestic market potential. It is probably a more important factor for service sector to get closer to the market being served in order to meet and understand local needs and tastes. Foreign investors not only achieve benefit from tax breaks and incentives, China has also reduced many of its import quotas which may ensure the security and continuity on accessing to markets, to a certain extent. In addition, they can operate in a low cost base for export to third countries which is a key motive for many firms. However, there exists a dilemma. It is believable that foreign capital has played a largely positive role in China’s economic development while, in contrary, there concerns FDI may bring detrimental effect. The benefits generated from FDI not just only help solving the capital shortage problem of the economy but also to augment the various aspects such as technologies, human capital, and operations etc as well. The opposition that concerns negative impacts on China’s development claims that foreign capital inflows may substitute for domestic savings and FDI makes worst the balance-of-payment deficits thereby rising debt repayment obligations. Moreover, the transition to a market economy has failed to protect workers with a minimum of social security benefits. The local worker has lost originally guarantee to full and lifetime employment that they were recruited and allocated through centralized system as well as achieving related benefits of housing, health care, childcare and pensions offering by the state. As such, unemployment became a feature of Chinese labor market. Under the following analysis, its aim is to work out how Chinese local workers have lost or gained while foreign direct investment in China has brought great benefits both to the nation and the multinationals. 2. Background Before the announcement of mainland China to its â€Å"Open Door† policy in 1978, it was a centrally planned economy. Large enterprises were state-owned and they were required to produce according to the plan rather than market demand. They were also responsible for the provision of welfare, pensions, schooling and hospitals for their local communities. Under the plan, the internal management structures of the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were constrained and the accounting system, which functioning the allocation of assets for central authorities, was not designed to identify profitability. The economic reforms in China took place since the late 1970s and it has been a market being sought to enter by many multinational firms recently. The active government promotion through various policy measures resulted that foreign direct investment (FDI) in China has grown rapidly since then. During the first ten years of the reform period (1978-1988), China’s GDP grew at an average rate of around 10% per annum and its share of world trade doubled during the decade of the 1980s as well. From the period of the early 1980s to late 1990s, contracted FDI inflow to China grew from about US$1. 5 billion a year to more than US$40 billion a year in 1999. The rate of economic growth was even higher in the fist half of the 1990s.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation Essay In September 2004, Wendy Wiley, the Northlake Bookstore manager, was considering the implications of a shocking development. For the first time in her seven years as the Bookstore manager, textbook sales for this fall had decreased from the prior fall sales. The sales decrease was approximately $180,000, or 3% of annual textbook sales. Wendy wanted to address this problem before it got worse. She found that this sales decrease was due to two emerging technology problems, possibly of equal magnitude: 1) the students’ increasing use of online textbook vendors, and 2) the professors’ increasing use of online textbook publishers. Wendy reported the bad sales news to her boss, Chuck Irwin, the Vice Chancellor of Finance at Northlake University. After commiserating with her, Chuck told her that he was not surprised by this sales problem and that she should consider how to deal with these emerging technologies in her next performance evaluation report by comparing the performance of the Northlake Bookstore against competitors using benchmarking analysis. This analysis would help Wendy find the strengths and weaknesses of the Bookstore. Additionally, Chuck wanted Wendy to develop a few key related short-term performance goals and related measures that could be used in future performance evaluations. He wanted to discuss the situation at their meeting next week, which was the annual review of the Bookstore’s performance for the prior fiscal year 2004 (July 2003 through June 2004). A benchmarking analysis was required by Chuck for the annual review of all the nonacademic departments under his management. Northlake is a private university, located in a major metropolitan area in the Midwest, with an annual enrollment of 12 ,700 students, mostly undergraduates. Northlake is quite dependent upon student tuition, which typically accounts for 60% of its total revenues. However, the Chancellor was concerned because donations and gifts to the University were down, possibly due to uncertain economic conditions and erratic stock market performance. Prior to becoming the Northlake Bookstore manager, Wendy had spent 15 years in retail sales, most recently as a Wal-Mart sales manager. She was an outgoing, supportive individual who really liked being a retail sales manager and enjoyed working with her employees. She strongly believed in continuous improvement of any sales department that she managed. Despite her extensive retail experience in the for-profit sector, this was her first experience working in an academic environment. Wendy occasionally became frustrated working with faculty due to their late or inaccurate book orders. However, she liked helping students and enjoyed working in an academic environment without all the pressures of a for-prof it business with aggressive sales and earnings targets like Wal-Mart. To prepare her benchmarking analysis report required for the upcoming annual performance evaluation of the Bookstore, Wendy had collected income statement, product line, and other performance measures for the last three fiscal years. To aid evaluation, she summarized the various Bookstore operations into five product lines: textbooks, supplies and sundries, clothing, software and accessories, and computers. The textbook product line included new texts, used texts, class notes (course packs), and general reference books. The supply and sundry line included school and office supplies, electronics, food, sundries, greeting cards, and miscellaneous campus department sales. The clothing line included all insignia clothing, gifts, and memorabilia. Wendy knew she needed to act fast to thoroughly analyze all the information needed for the Bookstore’s annual benchmarking analysis that Chuck and the Chancellor required. She had a lot of historical information and was wondering how to analyze this financial information for her benchmarking analysis report. Benchmarking is the process of identifying superior performance of other organizations for products, services, and processes, and then attempting to improve necessary areas with the goal of achieving similar excellence. The benchmarking process first became popular in 1989 after Xerox advertised its success with the tool; however, the tool was initially employed by Xerox in 1972. In fact, more than 70% of the Fortune 500 companies—which includes AT&T, Ford Motor Company, IBM, and Eastman Kodak—reported using benchmarking regularly. Benchmarking is useful in countless decision-making settings including performance evaluation, health and safety management, and supply chain management. To reach for greater standards of excellence, Ford would likely consider foreign automobile manufacturers that have been well known for high efficiency and quality, such as Toyota, the current world-wide leader in automobile sales. Wendy currently benchmarked the performance of the bookstore against other college bookstores and major booksellers. In performing a benchmarking analysis, it was imperative for Wendy to benchmark processes that were aligned with organizational strategic objectives. Since the Bookstore was a profit center, it was imperative that she compare the profitability of the various product lines with other universities. The Bookstore also had an objective to provide service excellence. Thus, if available, it would be beneficial for Wendy to benchmark customer satisfaction data with other universities. Once processes that were consistent with strategic objectives were identified, it was necessary to collect and analyze internal information vis-Ã ¡-vis external information from competitors. The benchmarking process did not stop once areas of excellence and inferior performance were identified. Rather, it was imperative for Wendy to identify how to sustain the areas of excellence and improve the areas of inferior performance. In determining how to improve poor performance, she needed to understand the reason behind the poor performance. Once that was attained, it would be possible to determine a long-term plan for improvement. A key role of the Bookstore was to supply the Northlake University community–which included but was not limited to faculty, students, alumni and parents–with textbooks, supplies, clothing and gifts, computers and software, and much more. The Bookstore’s formal mission statement was as follows: The Northlake Bookstore is an academic resource for the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the University. The Bookstore serves the University with a business presence dedicated to providing service excellence that meets or exceeds the needs of each customer and University department. The Bookstore played a significant role in enabling parents of freshmen to participate in getting their children ready for the first day of class. Additional temporary staff was hired to ensure there was adequate assistance available for new students and returning students who were purchasing their textbooks. These staff members were readily available and happy to answer any question that new parents or students might have regarding textbooks or the University in general. Also, congruent with the University laptop requirement for all students, the Bookstore sold computers and software. This was a great way for parents to enjoy onestop back-to-school shopping. Additionally, the Bookstore tried to promote the University as a brand name by selling clothing and accessories with the University logo and/or name. Availability of clothing and accessories was also a service provided to students, parents, and alumni who wanted to show their support for the school. Sales of merchandise with the University logo indirectly promoted the University, but the Bookstore did not try to formally create alumni support nor was that a formal goal. This was the function of the University Alumni Advancement (funding) office. As indicated by the mission statement, by the role taken to familiarize new parents and students, and by the sale of merchandise with the University logo, the Bookstore operated in a manner aimed at achieving high customer satisfaction. To measure customer satisfaction the Bookstore conducted an annual customer satisfaction survey and a separate faculty satisfaction survey. Customer suggestion forms were also readily available on the Bookstore website. In her years as the Bookstore manager, Wendy had developed various financial performance measures to help assess the performance of the Bookstore. Over the last few years, she had used these measures as part of her benchmarking analysis. She felt fortunate to have a fairly comprehensive benchmarking database available to her. It was provided annually to all bookstore members free of charge by the National Association of College Stores (NACS). The only requirement was that each bookstore had to contribute its own data to the benchmarking database in order to use it. The NACS database included income statement, product line, and other types of benchmarks. With the looming threat from online textbook vendors, Wendy had started to benchmark Northlake’s textbook prices against the major online textbook vendors. She also tracked mail orders and Web orders from Northlake’s own website (started in 2000). Her task now was how best to use this benchmark information. She believed that her first step was to compare her current financial and operating results with the benchmark data to pinpoint areas in need of improvement. This analysis would likely uncover some areas that needed her attention, which would be useful in identifying areas in need of improvement. Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation. (2016, Dec 24).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Human Traffricking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Traffricking - Essay Example the trafficker; it is easier for traffickers sell the victims, if the victims trust them before knowing their real identity (â€Å"Nature and Extent†, 2012). According to the law enforcement agencies in the United States, there are more female victims, as compared to male victims. The victims are then forced into prostitution, labor and domestic services. There are many ways in which the USA and other countries are combating sex and human trafficking. The first way is making strict laws for those who are involved in this business and making sure that these laws are implemented. Moreover, countries where human and sex trafficking is a criminal offense, they carry out awareness programs for both male and females, to make them aware about how they should protect themselves, from being recruited. An example of such a program is Polaris project, which is a hotline where people who have been the victims or are going through this process, can call and record their experience (Whitten, 2014). Whitten, S. (2014). Finding strength within: a look at Phoenix’s efforts to help sex-trafficking victims. Retrieved 17 June 2014, from

English Terrorism Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

English Terrorism Law - Essay Example Such a form of terrorism is called State Terrorism. It would not be wrong to say that 'terrorism' and 'terrorist' are both relative terms. Their meanings differ from people to people, society to society. Therefore it's not surprising that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter! 'On one point, at least, everyone agrees: terrorism is a pejorative term. It is a word with intrinsically negative connotations that is generally applied to one's enemies and opponents, or to those with whom one disagrees and would otherwise prefer to ignore. 'What is called terrorism , thus seems to depend on one's point of view. Use of the term implies a moral judgment; and if one party can successfully attach the label terrorist to its opponent, then it has indirectly persuaded others to adopt its moral viewpoint.' Hence the decision to call someone or label some organization terrorist' becomes almost unavoidably subjective, depending largely on whether one sympathizes with or opposes the person/group/cause concerned. If one identifies with the victim of the violence, for example, then the act is terrorism. If, however, one identifies with the perpetrator, the violent act is regarded in a more sympathetic, if not positive (or, at the worst, an ambivalent) light; and it is not ter rorism.' [3] The English Legal System: In the United Kingdom; England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Irelands have their own distinct legal system. Among these states there is a considerable difference in laws and their implementation. There are two kinds of laws. The Common laws which has not been clearly defined and is based on customs and traditions is used unless superseded by legislation. On the other hand there is the equity law which consists of a body of rules applied by the courts. The British legal system is not based on Roman law unlike the laws of certain other European countries [17]. However, due to its membership of the European Union, the European Community Law applies to economic and social judgements in the UK. The rulings are usually given by the European Court. There is a lot of literature on the subject of the relationship between EU Law and National Law.A group of competent law makers claim that the EU law is the supreme law of the land. The European law is based on the premise of 'We the People!' How ever, others argue that to evaluate the performance of national courts, adherence to the national constitution is to be strictly observed. [5] The Head of the judiciary in England and Wales is the Lord Chancellor. He has the authority to make all appointments for the magistrates and to the crowns except the highest which is made by the Prime Minister. There are two kinds of courts; criminal courts and civil courts [24]. The Home Secretary is responsible for the criminal justice system in England and Wales. Lastly there are the tribunals, which work in conjunction with courts. 'They are normally

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Relationship of D Vinci and Michelangelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Relationship of D Vinci and Michelangelo - Essay Example This might explain why many people considered their artistic works exceptional. This discourse seeks to explore the relationship between the two artists of the Renaissance period. In so doing, the paper will analyze some of their greatest works that have earned them the fame. Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo Da Vinci remains the most famous and celebrated artists of the Renaissance period. Their art, poetry, music, architecture, and scientific explorations and achievements show what it means to be a Renaissance man. Since the two knew of the fame and the huge influence they had with regards to their artistic works, they became very bitter rivals. In fact, stories are being told of how the two great masters of the Renaissance disliked each other. Experts attribute the rivalry between Michelangelo and Da Vinci to the stiff competition they had in the profession as artists (Jones 2). However, the most striking relationship between the two great artists of the Renaissance period is t he fact that both of them were Italians. Da Vinci for instance, was born in 1452 in a remote village called Vinci in Italy. Soon afterwards, he relocated to Florence, where he took up an apprenticeship to Verrocchio. He began working as a painter at a very tender age. However, because of his creativity, he was able to surpass his teachers with the way he painted very first. This earned him the tag of being a universal genus. He did not only prove himself as one of the best painters in the world at the time, but also an inventor, scientist, engineer and architect because of his ideas, which were far beyond their time. In addition, many of those who knew him described him as a physically strong man, who was not only handsome, but also had a good singing voice. Some of his most celebrated and famous works include the Mona Lisa and the fresco the Last Supper (Verspohl 7). Surprisingly, Michelangelo, who was born in 1475, which is about 23 years after Da Vinci was also an Italian. Howeve r, unlike Da Vinci, Michelangelo was born near Florence in Italy. Like Da Vinci, Michelangelo also began working as an apprenticeship when he was barely 13 years in Ghirlandaio. In fact, just as Da Vinci began his works as a painter, Michelangelo also did the same beginning his works as a painter. However, he gained fame as a sculptor. He was able to produce many artistic works which enabled him become a very famous and celebrated Renaissance man in the entire world. Some of his greatest and most famous masterpieces include the statue of David, The Pieta, the Sistine Chapel, and his architectural work, the ST. Peter’s Basilica (Barton par. 2). Another striking relationship that existed between Michelangelo and Da Vinci is the fact that both of them trained at Florence college. In fact, many people believe that the kind of training the got at Florence college might have contributed immensely to their great work and skills. Research indicates that there choice to train at Flore nce was informed by the fact that Florence was regarded as a vibrant arts center during the renaissance period. In fact, Michelangelo confirmed this claim by arguing that he opted to join Florence arts center since he viewed it as a place where he could innate his talent to advance and flourish. The same applies to Da Vinci who joined Florence arts center in order to be able develop his innate talent in arts (Verspohl 9). Both Michelangelo and Da Vinci also share their areas of expertise. In this regard, both Michelangelo a

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Community Health Promotion and Prevention Coursework

Community Health Promotion and Prevention - Coursework Example The health workers are challenged to take the leadership role of assessing the assets and the needs of communities and populations in order to propose solutions through partnership. Since these solutions that will have a greater influence on heath and illness patterns of various levels within the communities and the broader population. The author’s assumption is that prevention and curative care are different concepts since the olden days. The strident call for health care facilities was to heal, treat those already sick, and this was practiced over a long period of time dominating the preventive care. It is until the mid-19th century when new scientific understanding of transmission of diseases enabled successful sanitation interventions that prevented disease on a large scale (Kulbok,et al.6). This brought about anxiety on whether it is appropriate to give resources to the needy or teaching them on the best ways on how to meet their needs. In order to continue with the preventive health care forward, district nursing evolved, its role was to continue to struggle with appropriate interventions that will achieve quick results and to be able to have a lasting improvements among the community members and the broader population at large. Several improvements were witnessed in various parts as it evolved from finding and caring for the sick poor, to advocating and educating about the poor to other organizations (Kulbok,et al.8). As a result, public health nurses as well as community professionals have continued to recognize the advantages of community participatory methods, including the potential for more effective intervention outcomes and capacity building for long term benefits to the community. This was more effective through the use of Community Participatory Health Model, which was used as a framework to demonstrate evolving public health

Monday, September 9, 2019

What you have learned about writing, and possibly reading, from this Essay

What you have learned about writing, and possibly reading, from this course( english academic communication - Essay Example Furthermore, English is my second language, and learning such skills was very challenging, but with the knowledge and skills that I was presented with in this course, I now have a deeper understanding of how to write more confidently. There are many different academic referencing styles in English essay writing. APA style format stands for the American Psychological Association. This style focuses on how to make the essay more organized and neat. This was the first element which I learned during the academic communication class. APA style has an easy format steps to follow in essay writing, such as using font size 12, double spaced, and a page header. Moreover, APA style paper should include four principal sections which are: title page, abstract, main body, and references. Secondly, writing an essay requires a long time so that a research can be done like finding information and ideas about the essay topic. I learned from the course how to find resource from books and websites. This helped me to write perfect sentences describing my ideas using examples. During the course I obtained knowledge how to write references and demonstrate which source the ideas I used are borrowed from. Thirdly, as mentioned earlier, English is my second language and it was hard for me to find appropriate vocabulary and write grammatically correct essays. The academic communication course taught me lots of new vocabulary and also improved my grammar skills. I can now apply the learned in this course and I am confident that I can correct my grammatical mistakes faster. I read through the text several times, as my professor had instructed me to. I try to read my essay professionally applying the strategies I learned during the class. In conclusion, I would like to point out that writing essays requires more skills than I previously thought. Students need to understand how to improve their writing abilities before the start of an academic course. I choose APA referencing

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Contemporary Marketing Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Contemporary Marketing Practice - Essay Example It is common to hear among the consumers that they are not subjects to marketing strategies. Most consumers never want to admit that advertisements have immense influence on their tastes and preferences as far as purchases are concerned. The researcher states that the concern on this essay is whether in reality this freedom is exercised or customer’s tastes are subject to marketer’s strategies. This study involves the issues of advertisement in relation to increase of obesity in the society. The paper is generally a review of various literatures. In conducting the study, the researcher explored a number of books, magazines and website articles on the relationship between obesity and advertisements. To ensure that the ideas are not from the same school of thoughts, this study involved experts from diversified fields, among them being nutritionists, educators, critical analysts, scholars and healthcares providers. One thing that was very common in all these sources is tha t adverts influences the decision making of the consumers, who tend to buy the products, despite their harmful effects on their bodies. The study drew much information from previous studies, particularly from published online books. In conducting the study, the researcher also explored the advertisement strategies of some prominent companies such as Unilever, Coca-cola, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, Nestle, General Mills, Kellogg Co. and ConAgra Foods, all of which had one common feature - they all use a significant amount from their coffer in advertisements.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Calorie Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Calorie Management - Coursework Example he input variable, Y, is obtained from calorific calculator and is known to be affected by age, gender, body activities, weight as well as height of the person (Klingensmith & American Diabetes Association, 2003). The final step involves making a comparison based on the analysed data from the two input caloric. The comparison will present two important cases: 2. Where the value of X variable exceeds the value of Y, then we should compute other explanatory variables M, N and O. Where: M= X-Y, N=M/K and O=N, and K is a constant figure valued at 3500. M, therefore, explains a case where more calories are taken in than expended while N-pounds or O-ounces might have been gained. 3. Where the value of Y variable is greater than X, we again compute M, N and O to act as our explanatory variables. With this regards, M=Y-N, N=M/K while O=N. M=Y-X means that the individual expand more calories than he/she consumes where N-pounds and O-ounces might have been lost. All the data and information on that particular individual is then stored in the computer memory to help monitor the person’s health standards in a given

Friday, September 6, 2019

Advertising & Alcohol Products Essay Example for Free

Advertising Alcohol Products Essay People’s life are built and protected by both us and society. We make our life happiness by enjoy as much as possible qualified products and society which is represented by government ensured the life quality by regulation requesting the obligation from all people towards product’s usage. Nevertheless, in some cases, government has to control and put the enforcement on consumer even if people like to use that product. Alcohol can be seen as a very popular example. People feel excited when use it, but, what will happen if the alcohol consumption increases year by year. As cited by Hall in his research this year, there was 25% increase in liver deaths which is caused by alcohol in last ten years. Not only alcohol beverages but alcohol advertising is interesting as well in attracting people. Therefore, alcohol advertising is now controlled strictly to prevent its bad impact. Government is allowed and able to do this for a better life to UK people. See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay Binge-drinking can be listed as a trouble for middle-aged, middle-class and out-of-control youth in UK. It is worth noting that UK people are one of groups consuming alcohol most in Europe (British Medical Association, 2009). Since, UK government has to consider and find solution for this problem. It can be known that the effect of alcohol is similar to drug as well as tobacco although it depends on the quantities of usage. However, according to BMA board of science, it can be denied that not only drinker but also their relatives are affected by harmful consequences from alcohol such as contributory factor and violence at home. At first, advertising is same as other marketing tools with the aim to persuade people use product as much as possible. In the situation of alcohol, Advertisement increases consumer’s conceptions about alcohol which can promote them buy more. The journal of British Medical Association in 2009 cited the research conducted by Anderson and other researcher s that â€Å"alcohol marketing and promotion relate to the likelihood that adolescents will begin to use alcohol and drink more if they are already using alcohol†. Jernigan (2010) suggested that a mix of unmeasured activities relating to cultural, religious and regulatory context is used by alcohol companies. Advertising approach consumer, especially the Youth in many ways: marketing on Television, newspaper, sponsorship for sports, music, and cinema. The image of alcohol impresses people day by day encouraging them use it naturally. As a result, these activities impacts making decision of the youth in alcohol purchasing because culture, religion and regulation contribute strongly to the growth process of young people. Moreover, The high rate of alcohol beverages advertising’s appearance in public encourage people use it regularly for entertainment and daily usage which will result in bad effect on people life and society. This present can make people see wine, beer as a daily product. The greater availability of alcohol advertising is the reason why people under 23 years old continue to raise their drinking behavior (Jernigan, 2010). The high alcohol consumption of much means their health will have problem as well as the ability of causing violence or crime can be increased in society. Therefore, alcohol advertising should be limited like tobacco so that people will realize that the former also has bad effects as the latter. Although alcohol is still a product and beverage companies have right to advertise, this is sensitive one so that government should control for a safety of people life. The limitation of alcohol advertising will help government protect people’s health and social security. There will be no more crime which is relevant to alcohol. The health of people will be ensured. Let’s take Denmark as an example, this country only accepted broadcast advertising on low alcohol-content products and the rates of alcohol intoxication was reported highest rates at that time among European countries (International Center for Alcohol Policies) Wilby (2008) proposed that people are heavily impacted by advertising due to they are freely to accept information provided by other agents. Therefore, governments should be allowed to control advertising and able to manage the advertising of alcohol beverages companies by using advertising regulation, sign agreement with alcohol beverage companies and advertising agency or control newspaper and broadcasting agencies. He also suggested that governments can put enforcement on the advertising of cars, alcohol, junk food and other potentially dangerous products as the same way they used to work towards tobacco advertising. For example, as established in Advertising Standard Authority, in UK, â€Å"alcohol marketing is required that ads not link alcohol with sex, social success, youth culture or juvenile behavior.† (Hall, 2012) Enjoy the life as well as using entertaining product freely is demand of all most every people. On the other hand, alcohol beverage companies are also absolutely right when they want to provide as much as possible good alcoholic beverages for their consumer. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have a third party which is governments of countries in general and U. K government to put alcohol advertising under the control. They can set regulation and request that alcohol companies follow it strictly.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Review and Comparison of Different Software Quality Models

Review and Comparison of Different Software Quality Models Muhammad Qasim Riaz1 and Zeeshan Asif2 1,2Department of Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan Abstract Software quality models are one of the best means for the support of software quality management system. Since more than 30 years, several quality models have been offered and used with fluctuating mark of success. To be particular, with the idea of defining the multidimensional content of software quality management system a variety of qualitative models have been presented by which different aspects of this topic have been tried to be investigated properly. By investigating the trends and evolution of software quality models and identifying differences in the approaches and judgment outcomes, the results indicate significant progress in the development of software quality models. Many definitions and models of software quality are studied and a competitive conclusion is drawn. It carries on with a review of the quality models and comparison between them. Introduction The main aspects of the quality at which every software engineer should focus himself are reviewed and compared [4] in this paper. Now a days, in modern age of technology large firms and companies spend millions and billions of dollars at the IT projects to get precise and efficient software services. Our first point is, what is meant by quality [1] in software products. What should we do to a software product to decide it as a quality product, simply a good product or name it as a failed product. Many papers have been published about the causes of project failure e.g. [8]. Several models and many success factors are presented for effective and precise management of projects to make up the quality of products [5]. This paper is taking a review by examining factors and points discussed in different models like Boehm, McCall and many others[9][8]. We also illustrates their impact on quality of the software product. Secondly, many models are presented by different researchers, organizations and scientists. Most of the scientists followed the basic models of software quality presented by the McCall, Boehm, and FURPS. On the basis of these models IEEE and ISO presented new models and also did many additions like ISO 9126. This paper emphasizes all these models of quality factors and explains a comparison between them. How to measure the quality of software and which scales are defined to measure it, are also mentioned in the paper. At the end, effect of quality at the cost and demand of software will also be discussed. We have reviewed and compared the following software quality models in this paper: McCalls software Quality Model Boehms software Quality Model FURPS software Quality Model IEEE software Quality Model ISO 9126 software Quality Model A quality model is mostly stated as a set of characteristics like document clarity, design trace-ability, integrity, program reliability, test integrity and relationships among them which truly provide the foundation for identifying the requirements of quality and calculating quality. It can be identified as defined set of properties that are required for a product to meet stated purposes. The advantage of quality model is determined by the decomposition of main objects like product, process or organization in the list of its properties and characteristics. It is applicable for forecasting, guaranteeing and authenticating the accomplishment of a well-defined goal. Quality Defined As the quality of any object/thing in universe can be defined as: The measure of standard of any object/thing against the other objects/things of same kind is known as the quality of that object/thing. OR It can also be defined as the degree of superiority or inferiority of something as compare to the other things of same type. For example the quality of a computer depends on the speed of the computer, reliability of the computer, consistency of the computer and many other factors like that. Similarly, the dictionary definitions of quality in computing largely concentrated on excellence and improvement in product International Standards(IS) professionals should focus. Quality according to ANSI Standard can be define as Quality is the sum of characteristics and features of a software product or a service that bears on its capacity to fulfill the given needs Quality according to IEEE Standard (IEEE Std. 729-1983) All the characteristics and features of a software product which stand on its capacity to fulfill the particular requirements [6]: for example, follow to conditions. The grade to which software keeps a wanted mixture of features. The mark at which a consumer observes that software meets his mutual outlooks. The multiple characteristics of software that define the unit according to which the software product in use will meet the hopes of the customer. General Kinds of the Models Now a days, most of the quality models are hierarchical models which are based on the basic principles of the quality and related metrics [7]. All of these models are classified on the basis of the means and ways according to which they have been generated. These are categorized into the following three types. The assumed model is based on the hypothesis relationships among variables used. The model based on data-driven by a statistical analysis of related matrix in model. This model is the mutual effect of hunches which are used to determine the simple type of the model and secondly the Data analysis used to formulate the constants of the model along with the variable values. Different Quality Models 4.1 McCalls Quality Model This was the first ever quality model presented by the Jim McCall in year 1977 which is also called General Electronic Model [8]. Before presenting this model there was no any authentic model to review or check the quality of the product. This model provides a set of the basic characteristics to measure the quality of product. Figure 1. McCalls quality model and all of its components Three major perceptions of the McCall model for declaring and recognizing the quality of the product are presented following: Product Operation: The degree of any product that how much quickly and easily it can be understood, it includes, reliability, correctness, efficiency, integrity and usability criteria. Product Revision: it covers the maintainability, testability, changeability, flexibility and debugging of the product. Product Transition: it deals with the adaptability with the environment, portability, reusability and interoperability of the product. 4.2Boehms Quality Model Boehms software quality model [9] offers more attributes and characteristics of product than McCalls quality model. It was presented by Barry W. Boehm in 1978. Boehms model is almost similar to the McCall Quality Model because it also presents a hierarchical quality model designed about high-level, intermediate level and primitive characteristics, each of them plays an important role in the overall quality level. All above stated levels represent the questions of buyer, the quality factor which can affect or represent the quality of product and offers the basis for describing qualities metrics. Figure 2. Boehms quality model and all of its components Almost both Boehms and McCalls models similar to some extent [10].The difference in these two models is that McCalls model mainly centers on the accurate measurement of the high-level characteristics As-is utility. On other hand Boehms quality model is dependent on a broader range of characteristics with a stretched and detailed emphasis on primarily maintainability. 4.3 FURPS Quality Model FURPS model was presented after the McCalls and Boehms model. It was firstly presented by Robert Grady and Hewlett Packard Co. the abbreviation of word FURPS stands for Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Supportability of the product under development [11]. Functionality: Functionality contains combination of characteristics, security, features and capabilities. Usability: This section covers the factors which affect usability of the product like Human Factors, Aesthetic, material of training and documentation of the user. Reliability: It ensures the reliability and integrity factors like Recovery to failures Time among failures, Frequency and severity of failures. Performance: Enforces conditions on practical necessities like speed, availability, efficiency, throughput, accuracy, resource usage, response time and recovery time. Supportability: This section contains the components like Extensibility, Adaptability, Maintainability, Compatibility, Configurability, Install ability, Serviceability and Localizability. Figure 3. FURPS quality model and all of its components 4.4 IEEE Quality Model Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [12]. It is an international organization which also provided many standard models for the software product quality and maintenance. It presented, many standards of software quality assurance and verification/validation of the software product. The abstract figure of IEEE software quality models is given forward: Figure 4. IEEE quality model and all of its components This model illustrates several ways for the measurement of qualitative factors and reflects factors like Efficiency, Functionality, Maintainability, Portability, Reliability and Usability. Efficiency: It includes the characters like time and resources. Reliability: It contains the factors and the characteristics which are used to increase and maintain the maturity and reliability by fault tolerance and Recoverability. Functionality: It includes characteristics like accuracy, compatibility, completeness, security and interoperability. Supportability: It helps in maintaining the testability, extendibility and correctability. Portability: It makes the software portable by ensuring characteristics like hardware independency, software independency, adaptability, install-ability and reusability. Usability: It ensures the comprehensibility, communicativeness and ease of learning. 4.5 ISO 9126 Quality Model ISO 9126 [14] [13] is presented by the international standard organization. It is one of the most implemented and used quality model for maintaining the quality of the software product. This modern model is based at the previous models like McCall, Boehm, FURPS and many other old versions of the ISO like ISO 9000 and etc. Figure 5. ISO 9126 quality model and all of its components This version of ISO also takes account of functionality as parameter and include identification of both internal quality characteristics and external quality characteristics of the products. The characteristics new version of this model [15] contains are Efficiency, Maintainability, Functionality, Reliability, Portability and Usability. Efficiency: It contains the characters which affects the throughput in a given time and resources used. Reliability: It includes the Maturity, Fault Tolerance and Recoverability. Functionality: It contains many essential characteristics which are necessary for the proper functionality of the product like suitability, accurateness, interoperability, compliance and security. Maintainability: It helps in maintaining the changeability, stability and testability by using analyzability. Portability: It makes the software more dynamic and portable by ensuring characteristics like adaptability, install-ability, conformance and replaceability. Usability: It makes sour that the learnability and operability of the software product should be easy and simple. 5. Comparison of Models According to the above study and figures we did a comparison between all of the models to justify our competitive study. McCall Model: according to the reference [] and the figure 1 of McCall model we can observe it can say following characteristics are included in this model correctness, reliability, efficiency, integrity, usability, flexibility, maintainability, testability, portability, interpretability and reusability. Boehms Model: As shown in the above figure 2 and the literature the characteristics owned by the Boehms model [] are device independence, self-contentedness, understandability, modifiability, testability, human engineering, efficiency and reliability. FURPS Model: FURPS is the combination of functionality, usability, reliability, performance and supportability these are further classified into security, capabilities, availability, efficiency, throughput, accuracy, resource, response time, integrity, failures, human factors, documentation, extensibility, maintainability, compatibility, install ability and serviceability. All these characteristics are mentioned in reference no. . IEEE Model: As we mentioned above the IEEE model is consist of the external and internal characteristics like functionality, reliability, supportability, usability, efficiency and portability these external characteristics are sub divided into internal characteristics like time, resources, error tolerance, availability, completeness, accuracy, security, compatibility, interoperability, testability, correctability, hardware independence, software independence, installability, reusability, usability, comprehensibility, ease of learning, extensibility and communicativeness . ISO 9126 Model: ISO 9126 is the combination of all the models it includes all the best characteristics which are necessary for building up a satisfactory product. The main characteristics of the ISO model are functionality, reliability, maintainability, usability, efficiency and portability. The derived sub characteristics form those main characteristics are suitability, accurateness, interoperability, compliance, security, maturity, fault tolerance, recoverability, understandability, learnability, operability, time behaviour, resource behaviour, analyzability, changeability, stability, testability, adaptability, installability, conformance and replaceability. 6. Conclusion We have studied several types of software quality models which are different on the basis of their characteristics and methodologies. Really it was a great task and challenge for us to conclude which model is the best and which we should prefer to implement in developing a good software product. In this paper we have also made a comparison table (above) to understand the real differences in the models. This table also shows which features and characteristic a model contains or lacks. We have studied and compared the following models. McCalls Model: In McCalls quality model, the quality is mostly measured on the basis of judgment of the person(s) or the users by answering the questions given in a questioner. (Yes or no questions). Boehms Model: While Boehm concentrates on the levels based upon the characteristics of the product. FURPS: The FURPS quality model is made and stretched to be cast-off in the IBM Rational Software Company. So, it is a special-purpose quality model, which is presented, for the benefits and betterment of that company. IEEE: It is also a good model to implement. It uses different measurement ways and standards like software quality assurance to maintain the quality of the product. ISO 9126: The ISO 9126 quality model is the most useful model it has been figured on the basis of international agreements and accordance from all the countries which are members of the ISO organization. In result of the comparative study ISO 9126 is best model. But it depends at your software product and the organizations that which model is best for use. It is a satisfactory and successful completion we hope it help the new users to understand the quality models properly and easily. Quality Characteristics Models McCall Boehm FURPS IEEE ISO 9126 Stability Integrity Security Maturity Usability Accuracy Flexibility Efficiency Reliability Portability Testability Reusability Functionality Analyzability Modifiability Performance Install Ability Supportability Interpretability Maintainability Fault Tolerance Understandability Time Management Self-contentedness Availability Human Factors interoperability compliance Suitability Replaceability adaptability Device Independence References [1] Khomh, F., Haderer, N. and Antoniol, G. (2009). SQUAD: Software Quality Understanding through the Analysis of Design, Reverse Engineering, WCRE09, 16th working conference [2]Dubey, S.K., Gosh, S. and Rana, A. (2012). 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